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  1. CSS can now support HD (high definition) displays, specifying colors from HD gamuts while also offering color spaces with specializations. This guide will explain how you can start to take advantage of this new world of color.

    10:12 (+0200)
  2. CSS Solutions to Fix FOUC

    I've finally decided to fix a bug I've been seeing for a long time, which I always would leave for later as it was a minor bug. This bug is called FOUC or Flash of Unpainted Content, so I decided to share with you these 2 solutions to this simple problem.

    Theater curtain

    Today, I’ve finally decided to fix a bug I’ve been seeing for a long time, which I always would leave for later as it was a minor bug. This bug is called FOUC or Flash of Unpainted Content, so I decided to share with you these 2 solutions to this simple problem.

    The problem is relatively simple, avoid showing unstyled HTML elements scattered through the page while the CSS file is being …

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    15:53 (+0200)
  3. Embedding YouTube Videos Without Impacting Web Perf

    Improve the page loading performances caused by YouTube iframes with a few simple HTML and CSS tricks.

    Yesterday I had to embed some YouTube videos in one of the articles I was writing about Raspberry Pi’s, and since I usually do not embed videos that often and rarely multiple of them, I never really upset about the performances penalty for one iframe, but after I added multiple of them I saw a massive web page loading degradation.

    So it occurred to me how could I embed YouTube videos more …

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    19:42 (+0200)